Established in 1943, John Kline began Kline’s Frozen Custard with the help of his father, Grover Kline, in downtown Harrisonburg, Virginia. The ice cream stand was located in the first floor of the family’s house and customers were served through a walk up window. From early on, Kline’s was destined to be a local favorite. While working at the ice cream shop, John began courting a young woman across the street at the dry cleaners. Bess went on to marry John. She became the well known and loved face of Kline’s. She worked the front window for decades.
In 1974, John Kline died and Bess sold the business. A gentleman named Sam Fletcher owned the store until 1979. After leaving the store for a period, Bess came back to work the window and Catherine Taylor was hired as the night manager. Cat worked at the store for over 20 years and was very loved by all the teenage staff.